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Mouthwash can get between teeth and places that toothbrushes cannot reach. It helps to prevent tooth decay, reduce plaque around teeth, freshen your breath, prevent gingivitis, and along with other possible benefits.

There are two main types of mouthwashes: therapeutic mouthwashes and cosmetic mouthwashes. Therapeutic mouthwashes contain active ingredients that kill bacteria and prevent oral problems like gingivitis, the formation of plaque and tartar, etc. They also contain flouride, which helps to prevent tooth decay. On the other hand, cosmetic mouthwashes cannot effectively reduce or prevent gum diseases and cavities. They can temporarily get rid of bad breath with a pleasant flavor.

Many therapeutic mouthwashes can be found over-the-counter, but it is always advised to discuss with your dentist on whether you need mouthwash and which mouthwash suits your dental needs. Children below aged 6 are not recommended to use mouthwashes, since they might swallow a large amount of it, causing nausea and alcohol intoxication.

Using the mouthwash daily is a good practice to add into your daily dental routine, just be sure to take some things into consideration and select safe and effective products.

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.

Brian Y. Kuo DDS FAGD

(626) 800-8022


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