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Vitamin D

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to reinforce dental development in young children.  Vitamin D is correctly recognized as a steroid hormone.  Vitamin D helps regulate calcium and phosphate levels in the blood and influences absorption of those same items in the intestines.  Bone growth and immune system health are also influenced by Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is fat soluble.  600 to 800 IU a day for pregnant women is advised .

Randomized clinical trials have found that high dose vitamin D at 2400 IU given to pregnant women led to lower enamel defects in their children.  One study performed by Norrisgaard et al., conducted a trial following pregnant women who received high doses of Vitamin D at around 24 weeks gestation.  Later on, a dental examination was documented on the children when they reach around 6 years of age.  The study kept data on the number of enamel defects found and caries detected.  Overall numbers indicated there was less enamel defects in the children on average.  However, the benefit did not include caries.  Caries prevalence was independent of Vitamin D supplementation.  Some studies also stated that children with persistent wheeze may have had less wheezing.

In conclusion, the study found that high-dose Vitamin D supplementation led to 50% reduction of enamel defects.  Prenatal vitamin D supplements are simple and effective method of protecting our future children from enamel defects.

Brian Y. Kuo DDS FAGD

(626) 800-8022

☀️ Healthy diet for healthy teeth!

Gentle family dentistry in LA area.


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